How to Sign Up for CAMP!
Step 1: Register for Camp online
If you would like to receive a $100 discount when you register type in code YAK100 in the discount box on the registration website.
For more info about the camps and to register:
Click here to go to the Nampa Idaho Camp Page.
Click here to go to the Tacoma Washington Camp Page.
If you want to participate in the Fundraiser,
continue to step 2
Step 2: Sign Up for FCA Camp Fundraiser (if you want to participate)
You can raise money to pay for your camp by participating in our Spring Flower and Plant Sale Fundraiser.
IMPORTANT: You must be registered for camp before being able to sign up for this fundraiser.
Fundraiser Dates: March 1st through March 16th
Parental Permission is required BEFORE you can receive a flower sales packet!
Participants will be provided Sale packets used to pre-sell spring plants that will be delivered in May, the week before Mother’s Day. These are beautiful flowering plants just in time for Mother’s Day and spring garden planting. A portion of the money from each sale will go towards your camp fee. Participants will be responsible for taking orders for flowering plants, collecting the money for orders, turning in the money by March 16th, and delivering the plants to their customers when they arrive in May. If there is any extra proceeds from the flower sale it will be put in the Yakima County FCA camp fund to help others go to camp.
Click here
request a Parent Permission Form
Step 3: Parent Permission Form
Have your parent/guardian fill out and sign the form. Follow the directions on the form for returning the Parent Permission form.
Step 4: Sale Packet
Follow directions on the Parent Permission Form to pick up a Flower Sale packet at time and location indicated on the Parent Permission Form that works best for you.
Sell Flowers! You are now ready to go out and sell flowers to raise as much money as you need to go to camp!
Yakima County FCA
226 S 1st St
Yakima Washington
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1927
Yakima WA 98907